Source code for flask_nemo.query.annotation

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from copy import deepcopy
from MyCapytain.common.reference import URN
import hashlib

[docs]class Target(object): """ Object and prototype for representing target of annotation. .. note:: Target default object are URN based because that's what Nemo is about. :param urn: URN targeted by an Annotation :type urn: MyCapytain.common.reference.URN :ivar urn: Target urn """ def __init__(self, objectId, subreference=None, **kwargs): if isinstance(objectId, URN): if objectId.reference is not None: subreference = str(objectId.reference) objectId = str(objectId.upTo(URN.VERSION)) else: objectId = str(objectId) subreference = None elif isinstance(objectId, tuple): objectId, subreference = objectId self.__objectId__ = objectId self.__subreference__ = subreference @property def objectId(self): return self.__objectId__ @property def subreference(self): return self.__subreference__
[docs] def to_json(self): """ Method to call to get a serializable object for json.dump or jsonify based on the target :return: dict """ if self.subreference is not None: return { "source": self.objectId, "selector": { "type": "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo": "", "value": self.subreference } } else: return {"source": self.objectId}
[docs]class AnnotationResource(object): """ Object representing an annotation. It encapsulates both the body (through the .read() function) and the target (through the .target method) :param uri: URI identifier for the AnnotationResource :type uri: str :param target: the Target of the Annotation :type target: Target or str or URN or tuple :param type_uri: the URI identifying the underlying datatype of the Annotation :type type_uri: str :param resolver: Resolver providing access to the annotation :type resolver: AnnotationResolver :param target_class: Alias for the Target class to be used :type target_class: class :param mimetype: MimeType of the Annotation object :type mimetype: str :param slug: Slug type of the object :type slug: str :ivar mimetype: Mimetype of the annotation object :ivar sha: SHA identifying the object :ivar uri: Original URI of the object :ivar slug: Slug Type of the Annotation Object :ivar type_uri: URI of the type :ivar expandable: Indication of expandability of the object :ivar target: Target object of the Annotation """ SLUG = "annotation" def __init__(self, uri, target, type_uri, resolver, target_class=Target, mimetype=None, slug=None, **kwargs): self.__uri__ = uri if not isinstance(target, Target): self.__target__ = target_class(target) else: self.__target__ = target self.__type_uri__ = type_uri self.__slug__ = slug or deepcopy(type(self).SLUG) self.__sha__ = hashlib.sha256( "{uri}::{type_uri}".format(uri=uri, type_uri=type_uri).encode('utf-8') ).hexdigest() self.__content__ = None self.__resolver__ = resolver self.__retriever__ = None self.__mimetype__ = mimetype @property def mimetype(self): return self.__mimetype__ @property def sha(self): return self.__sha__ @property def uri(self): return self.__uri__ @property def type_uri(self): return self.__type_uri__ @property def slug(self): return self.__slug__ @property def target(self): return self.__target__ @property def expandable(self): # default AnnotationResource type is not expandable return False
[docs] def read(self): """ Read the contents of the Annotation Resource :return: the contents of the resource :rtype: str or bytes or flask.response """ if not self.__content__: self.__retriever__ = self.__resolver__.resolve(self.uri) self.__content__, self.__mimetype__ = return self.__content__
[docs] def expand(self): """ Expand the contents of the Annotation if it is expandable (i.e. if it references multiple resources) :return: the list of expanded resources :rtype: list(AnnotationResource) """ # default AnnotationResource type doesn't expand return []