Templates documentation



Nemo templates are namespaced since 1.0.0 and the plugin system. Nemo base plugins are in the namespace “main”, the prefix used in Nemo being “::”. For any new template added to Nemo using the original container, it would probably be designed with

{% extends "main::container.html" %}

{%block article%}
Add the HTML here

Add and change templates

You can add namespace to Nemo by using the templates parameter on initiation, but it can also be used to overwrite templates. For example, given a directory ./templates/main with a file container.html, the following code snippet would write over Nemo original container.html

nemo = Nemo(templates={
    "main": "./templates/main"


It is recommended to split namespaced templates in different folders when adding templates to the Nemo instance.


If two declared namespaces share the same directory, there is risk of collision between templates names and thus overwriting potential. For example, if main:: and plugin_1:: point to dir1, main::file.html and plugin_1::file.html are the same.

Template choice behaviour in Nemo

Nemo Templates Decision Diagram

Nemo Default Templates

The following tables gives informations about the variables sent to each templates.

Variables shared across templates

Variable Name Details
assets[‘css’] List of css files to link to.
assets[‘js’] List of js files to link to.
url[*] Dictionary where keys and values are derived from routes
templates[*] Dictionary of templates with at least menu and container
collections Collections list
lang Lang to display


Only Variables shared across templates


See r_collection

Variable Name Details
textgroups List of textgroups according to a collection


main::See r_texts

Variable Name Details
texts List of texts according to a textgroup


See r_version

Variable Name Details
version Version object with metadata about current text
reffs List of tuples where first element is a reference, second a human readable translation


See r_passage

Variable Name Details
version Version object with metadata about current text
text_passage Markup object representing the text
urn Markup object containing the URN of the passage for display
prev Previous Passage Reference
next Following Passage Reference