Source code for flask_nemo

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Capitains Nemo

    Extensions for Flask to propose a Nemo extensions

__version__ = "0.0.1"

import os.path as op
import requests_cache
import jinja2
from flask import request, render_template, Blueprint, abort, Markup, send_from_directory, Flask
import MyCapytain.retrievers.cts5
from MyCapytain.retrievers.proto import CTS as CtsProtoRetriever
import MyCapytain.resources.texts.tei
import MyCapytain.resources.texts.api
import MyCapytain.resources.inventory
from MyCapytain.common.reference import URN
from lxml import etree
from copy import copy
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from functools import reduce
from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict, Callable
import flask_nemo._data

[docs]class Nemo(object): """ Nemo is an extension for Flask python micro-framework which provides a User Interface to your app for dealing with CTS API. :param app: Flask application :type app: Flask :param api_url: URL of the API Endpoint :type api_url: str :param retriever: CTS Retriever (Will be defaulted to api_url using cts5 retriever if necessary) :type retriever: MyCapytain.retrievers.proto.CTS :param base_url: Base URL to use when registering the endpoint :type base_url: str :param cache: SQLITE cache file name :type base_url: str :param expire: TIme before expiration of cache, default 3600 :type exipre: int :param template_folder: Folder in which the templates can be found :type template_folder: str :param static_folder: Folder in which statics file can be found :type static_folder: str :param static_url_path: Base url to use for assets :type static_url_path: str :param urls: Function and routes to register (See Nemo.ROUTES) :type urls: [(str, str, [str])] :param inventory: Default inventory to use :type inventory: str :param transform: Dictionary of XSL filepath or transform function where default key is the default applied function :type transform: bool|dict :param urntransform: Dictionary of urn transform functions where default key is the default applied function :type urntransform: bool|dict :param chunker: Dictionary of function to group responses of GetValidReff :type chunker: {str: function(str, function(int))} :param prevnext: Dictionary of function to execute GetPrevNext :type prevnext: {str: function(str, function())} :param css: Path to additional stylesheets to load :type css: [str] :param js: Path to additional javascripts to load :type js: [str] :param templates: Register or override templates (Dictionary of index / path) :type templates: {str: str} :param statics: Path to additional statics such as picture to load :type statics: [str] .. warning:: Until a C libxslt error is fixed ( ), it is not possible to use strip spaces in the xslt given to this application. See :ref:`lxml.strip-spaces` """ ROUTES = [ ("/", "r_index", ["GET"]), ("/read/<collection>", "r_collection", ["GET"]), ("/read/<collection>/<textgroup>", "r_texts", ["GET"]), ("/read/<collection>/<textgroup>/<work>/<version>", "r_version", ["GET"]), ("/read/<collection>/<textgroup>/<work>/<version>/<passage_identifier>", "r_passage", ["GET"]) ] TEMPLATES = { "container": "container.html", "menu": "menu.html", "text": "text.html", "textgroups": "textgroups.html", "index": "index.html", "texts": "texts.html", "version": "version.html", "passage_footer": "passage_footer.html", "reference_display": "reference_display.html" } COLLECTIONS = { "latinLit": "Latin", "greekLit": "Ancient Greek", "froLit": "Medieval French" } FILTERS = [ "f_active_link", "f_collection_i18n", "f_formatting_passage_reference", "f_i18n_iso", "f_group_texts", "f_order_text_edition_translation", "f_hierarchical_passages", "f_is_str", "f_i18n_citation_type", "f_order_author" ] def __init__(self, name=None, app=None, api_url="/", retriever=None, base_url="/nemo", cache=None, expire=3600, template_folder=None, static_folder=None, static_url_path=None, urls=None, inventory=None, transform=None, urntransform=None, chunker=None, prevnext=None, css=None, js=None, templates=None, statics=None): __doc__ = Nemo.__doc__ = __name__ if name: = name self.prefix = base_url self.api_url = api_url if isinstance(retriever, CtsProtoRetriever): self.retriever = retriever else: self.retriever = MyCapytain.retrievers.cts5.CTS(self.api_url) self.templates = copy(Nemo.TEMPLATES) if isinstance(templates, dict): self.templates.update(templates) if app is not None: = app self.init_app( else: = None self.api_inventory = inventory if self.api_inventory: self.retriever.inventory = self.api_inventory self.cache = None if cache is not None: self.__register_cache(cache, expire) if template_folder: self.template_folder = template_folder else: self.template_folder = resource_filename("flask_nemo", "data/templates") if static_folder: self.static_folder = static_folder else: self.static_folder = resource_filename("flask_nemo", "data/static") if static_url_path: self.static_url_path = static_url_path else: self.static_url_path = "/assets/nemo" self.blueprint = None if urls: self._urls = urls else: self._urls = Nemo.ROUTES self._filters = copy(Nemo.FILTERS) # Reusing self._inventory across requests self._inventory = None self.__transform = { "default" : None } self.__urntransform = { "default": None } if isinstance(transform, dict): self.__transform.update(transform) if isinstance(urntransform, dict): self.__urntransform.update(urntransform) self.chunker = {} self.chunker["default"] = Nemo.default_chunker if isinstance(chunker, dict): self.chunker.update(chunker) self.prevnext = {} self.prevnext["default"] = Nemo.default_prevnext if isinstance(prevnext, dict): self.prevnext.update(prevnext) self.css = [] if isinstance(css, list): self.css = css self.js = [] if isinstance(js, list): self.js = js self.statics = [] if isinstance(statics, list): self.statics = statics self.assets = { "js": OrderedDict(), "css": OrderedDict(), "static": OrderedDict() } def __register_cache(self, sqlite_path, expire): """ Set up a request cache :param sqlite_path: Set up a sqlite cache system :type sqlite_path: str :param expire: Time for the cache to expire :type expire: int """ self.cache = requests_cache.install_cache( sqlite_path, backend="sqlite", expire_after=expire )
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """ Initiate the application :param app: Flask application on which to add the extension :type app: flask.Flask """ if "CTS_API_URL" in app.config: self.api_url = app.config['CTS_API_URL'] if "CTS_API_INVENTORY" in app.config: self.api_inventory = app.config['CTS_API_INVENTORY'] if is None: = app
[docs] def transform(self, work, xml): """ Transform input according to potentiallyregistered XSLT .. note:: Due to XSLT not being able to be used twice, we rexsltise the xml at every call of xslt .. warning:: Until a C libxslt error is fixed ( ), it is not possible to use strip tags in the xslt given to this application :param work: Work object containing metadata about the xml :type work: MyCapytains.resources.inventory.Text :param xml: XML to transform :type xml: etree._Element :return: String representation of transformed resource :rtype: str """ # We check first that we don't have if str(work.urn) in self.__transform: func = self.__transform[str(work.urn)] else: func = self.__transform["default"] # If we have a string, it means we get a XSL filepath if isinstance(func, str): with open(func) as f: xslt = etree.XSLT(etree.parse(f)) return etree.tostring(xslt(xml), encoding=str, method="html", xml_declaration=None, pretty_print=False, with_tail=True, standalone=None) # If we have a function, it means we return the result of the function elif isinstance(func, Callable): return func(work, xml) # If we have None, it meants we just give back the xml elif func is None: return etree.tostring(xml, encoding=str)
[docs] def transform_urn(self, urn): """ Transform urn according to configurable function :param urn: URN to transform :type urn: URN :return: the URN (transformed or not) :rtype: URN """ # We check first that we don't have an override function # N.B. overrides will be on the text level, not the passage if urn.upTo(URN.NO_PASSAGE) in self.__urntransform: func = self.__urntransform[urn.upTo(URN.NO_PASSAGE)] else: func = self.__urntransform["default"] # If we have a function, it means we return the result of the function if isinstance(func, Callable): return func(urn) # If we have None, it meants we just give back the urn as string return urn
[docs] def get_inventory(self): """ Request the api endpoint to retrieve information about the inventory :return: The text inventory :rtype: MyCapytain.resources.inventory.TextInventory """ if self._inventory: return self._inventory reply = self.retriever.getCapabilities(inventory=self.api_inventory) inventory = MyCapytain.resources.inventory.TextInventory(resource=reply) self._inventory = inventory return self._inventory
[docs] def get_collections(self): """ Filter inventory and make a list of available collections :return: A set of CTS Namespaces :rtype: set(str) """ inventory = self.get_inventory() urns = set( [inventory.textgroups[textgroup].urn.namespace for textgroup in inventory.textgroups] ) return urns
[docs] def get_textgroups(self, collection_urn=None): """ Retrieve textgroups :param collection_urn: Collection to use for filtering the textgroups :type collection_urn: str :return: List of textgroup filtered by collection :rtype: [MyCapytain.resources.inventory.Textgroup] """ inventory = self.get_inventory() if collection_urn is not None: return Nemo.map_urns(inventory, collection_urn, 2, "textgroups") return list(inventory.textgroups.values())
[docs] def get_works(self, collection_urn=None, textgroup_urn=None): """ Retrieve works :param collection_urn: Collection to use for filtering the textgroups :type collection_urn: str :param textgroup_urn: Textgroup to use for filtering the works :type textgroup_urn: str :return: List of work filtered by collection/Textgroup :rtype: [MyCapytain.resources.inventory.Work] """ if collection_urn is not None and textgroup_urn is not None: textgroup = list( filter(lambda x: Nemo.filter_urn(x, 3, textgroup_urn), self.get_textgroups(collection_urn)) ) if len(textgroup) == 1: return textgroup[0].works.values() else: return [] elif collection_urn is None and textgroup_urn is None: return [work for textgroup in self.get_inventory().textgroups.values() for work in] else: raise ValueError("Get_Work takes either two None value or two set up value")
[docs] def get_texts(self, collection_urn=None, textgroup_urn=None, work_urn=None): """ Retrieve texts :param collection_urn: Collection to use for filtering the textgroups :type collection_urn: str :param textgroup_urn: Textgroup to use for filtering the works :type textgroup_urn: str :param work_urn: Work to use for filtering the texts :type work_urn: str :return: List of texts filtered by parameters :rtype: [MyCapytain.resources.inventory.Text] """ if collection_urn is not None and textgroup_urn is not None and work_urn is not None: work = list( filter(lambda x: Nemo.filter_urn(x, 4, work_urn), self.get_works(collection_urn, textgroup_urn)) ) if len(work) == 1: return work[0].texts.values() else: return [] elif collection_urn is not None and textgroup_urn is not None and work_urn is None: return [ text for work in self.get_works(collection_urn, textgroup_urn) for text in work.texts.values() ] elif collection_urn is None and textgroup_urn is None and work_urn is None: return [ text for textgroup in self.get_inventory().textgroups.values() for work in for text in work.texts.values() ] else: raise ValueError("Get_Work takes either two None value or two set up value")
[docs] def get_text(self, collection_urn, textgroup_urn, work_urn, version_urn): """ Retrieve one version of a Text :param collection_urn: Collection to use for filtering the textgroups :type collection_urn: str :param textgroup_urn: Textgroup to use for filtering the works :type textgroup_urn: str :param work_urn: Work identifier to use for filtering texts :type work_urn: str :param version_urn: Version identifier :type version_urn: str :return: A Text represented by the various parameters :rtype: MyCapytain.resources.inventory.Text """ work = list( filter(lambda x: Nemo.filter_urn(x, 4, work_urn), self.get_works(collection_urn, textgroup_urn)) ) if len(work) == 1: texts = work[0].texts.values() else: texts = [] texts = [text for text in texts if text.urn.version == version_urn] if len(texts) == 1: return texts[0] abort(404)
[docs] def get_reffs(self, collection, textgroup, work, version): """ Get the setup for valid reffs. Returns the inventory text object with its metadata and a callback function taking a level parameter and returning a list of strings. :param collection: Collection identifier :type collection: str :param textgroup: Textgroup identifier :type textgroup: str :param work: Work identifier :type work: str :param version: Version identifier :type version: str :return: Text with its metadata, callback function to retrieve validreffs :rtype: (MyCapytains.resources.texts.api.Text, lambda: [str]) """ text = self.get_text(collection, textgroup, work, version) reffs = MyCapytain.resources.texts.api.Text( "urn:cts:{0}:{1}.{2}.{3}".format(collection, textgroup, work, version), self.retriever, citation=text.citation ) return text, lambda level: reffs.getValidReff(level=level)
[docs] def get_passage(self, collection, textgroup, work, version, passage_identifier): """ Retrieve the passage identified by the parameters :param collection: Collection identifier :type collection: str :param textgroup: Textgroup identifier :type textgroup: str :param work: Work identifier :type work: str :param version: Version identifier :type version: str :param passage_identifier: Reference Identifier :type passage_identifier: str :return: A Passage object containing informations about the passage :rtype: MyCapytain.resources.texts.api.Passage """ text = MyCapytain.resources.texts.api.Text( "urn:cts:{0}:{1}.{2}.{3}".format(collection, textgroup, work, version), self.retriever ) passage = text.getPassage(passage_identifier) return passage
[docs] def r_index(self): """ Homepage route function :return: Template to use for Home page :rtype: {str: str} """ return {"template": self.templates["index"]}
[docs] def r_collection(self, collection): """ Collection content browsing route function :param collection: Collection identifier :type collection: str :return: Template and textgroups contained in given collections :rtype: {str: Any} """ return { "template": self.templates["textgroups"], "textgroups": self.get_textgroups(collection) }
[docs] def r_texts(self, collection, textgroup): """ Textgroup content browsing route function :param collection: Collection identifier :type collection: str :param textgroup: Textgroup Identifier :type textgroup: str :return: Template and texts contained in given textgroup :rtype: {str: Any} """ return { "template": self.templates["texts"], "texts": self.get_texts(collection, textgroup) }
[docs] def r_version(self, collection, textgroup, work, version): """ Text exemplar references browsing route function :param collection: Collection identifier :type collection: str :param textgroup: Textgroup Identifier :type textgroup: str :param work: Work identifier :type work: str :param version: Version identifier :type version: str :return: Template, version inventory object and references urn parts :rtype: { "template" : str, "version": MyCapytains.resources.inventory.Text, "reffs": [str] } """ version, reffs = self.get_reffs(collection, textgroup, work, version) reffs = self.chunk(version, reffs) return { "template": self.templates["version"], "version": version, "reffs": reffs }
[docs] def r_passage(self, collection, textgroup, work, version, passage_identifier): """ Retrieve the text of the passage :param collection: Collection identifier :type collection: str :param textgroup: Textgroup Identifier :type textgroup: str :param work: Work identifier :type work: str :param version: Version identifier :type version: str :param passage_identifier: Reference identifier :type passage_identifier: str :return: Template, version inventory object and Markup object representing the text :rtype: {str: Any} """ edition = self.get_text(collection, textgroup, work, version) text = self.get_passage(collection, textgroup, work, version, passage_identifier) passage = self.transform(edition, text.xml) prev, next = self.getprevnext(text, Nemo.prevnext_callback_generator(text)) urn = self.transform_urn(text.urn) return { "template": self.templates["text"], "version": edition, "text_passage": Markup(passage), "urn" : urn, "prev": prev, "next": next }
[docs] def r_assets(self, type, asset): """ Route for specific assets. :param asset: Filename of an asset :return: Response """ if type in self.assets and asset in self.assets[type]: return send_from_directory( directory=self.assets[type][asset], filename=asset ) abort(404)
def register_assets(self): """ Merge and register assets, both as routes and dictionary :return: None """ # Save assets routes for css in self.css: directory, filename = op.split(css) self.assets["css"][filename] = directory for js in self.js: directory, filename = op.split(js) self.assets["js"][filename] = directory for static in self.statics: directory, filename = op.split(static) self.assets["static"][filename] = directory self.blueprint.add_url_rule( # Register another path to ensure assets compatibility "{0}.secondary/<type>/<asset>".format(self.static_url_path), view_func=self.r_assets, endpoint="secondary_assets", methods=["GET"] )
[docs] def create_blueprint(self): """ Create blueprint and register rules :return: Blueprint of the current nemo app :rtype: flask.Blueprint """ self.blueprint = Blueprint(, "nemo", url_prefix=self.prefix, template_folder=self.template_folder, static_folder=self.static_folder, static_url_path=self.static_url_path ) for url, name, methods in self._urls: self.blueprint.add_url_rule( url, view_func=self.view_maker(name), endpoint=name, methods=methods ) self.register_assets() # If we have added or overriden the default templates if self.templates != Nemo.TEMPLATES: folders = set([op.dirname(path) for path in self.templates if path != self.template_folder]) self.loader = jinja2.ChoiceLoader([ self.blueprint.jinja_loader ] + [ jinja2.FileSystemLoader(folder) for folder in folders ] ) self.blueprint.jinja_loader = self.loader return self.blueprint
[docs] def view_maker(self, name): """ Create a view :param name: Name of the route function to use for the view. :type name: str :return: Route function which makes use of Nemo context (such as menu informations) :rtype: function """ return lambda **kwargs: self.route(getattr(self, name), **kwargs)
[docs] def render(self, template, **kwargs): """ Render a route template and adds information to this route. :param template: Template name :type template: str :param kwargs: dictionary of named arguments used to be passed to the template :type kwargs: dict :return: Http Response with rendered template :rtype: flask.Response """ kwargs["collections"] = self.get_collections() kwargs["lang"] = "eng" if Nemo.in_and_not_in("textgroup", "textgroups", kwargs): kwargs["textgroups"] = self.get_textgroups(kwargs["url"]["collection"]) if Nemo.in_and_not_in("text", "texts", kwargs): kwargs["texts"] = self.get_texts(kwargs["url"]["collection"], kwargs["url"]["textgroup"]) kwargs["assets"] = self.assets kwargs["templates"] = self.templates kwargs["breadcrumbs"] = self.make_breadcrumbs(**kwargs) return render_template(template, **kwargs)
[docs] def make_breadcrumbs(self,**kwargs): """ Make breadcrumbs for a route :param kwargs: dictionary of named arguments used to construct the view :type kwargs: dict :return: List of dict items the view can use to construct the link. :rtype: list({ "link": str, "title", str, "args", dict}) """ breadcrumbs = [] # this is the list of items we want to accumulate in the breadcrumb trail. # item[0] is the key into the kwargs["url"] object and item[1] is the name of the route # setting a route name to None means that it's needed to construct the route of the next item in the list # but shouldn't be included in the list itself (this is currently the case for work -- # at some point we probably should include work in the navigation) crumbtypes = [["collection",".r_collection"],["textgroup",".r_texts"],["work",None],["version",".r_version"],["passage_identifier",".r_passage"]] for idx,crumb_type in enumerate(crumbtypes) : if kwargs["url"] and crumb_type[0] in kwargs["url"]: crumb = {} # what we want to display as the crumb title depends upon what it is # in the future, having a common display_name property on the model would be helpful to avoid # this logic here if crumb_type[0] == "textgroup": # get the groupname of the current textgroup item = list(filter(lambda textgroup: textgroup.urn.textgroup == kwargs["url"]["textgroup"], kwargs["textgroups"])) crumb["title"] = item[0].metadata["groupname"][kwargs["lang"]] elif crumb_type[0] == "version": # get the label of the current version crumb["title"] = kwargs["version"].metadata["label"][kwargs["lang"]] else: # for everything else, just use the value as metadata isn't applicable crumb["title"] = kwargs["url"][crumb_type[0]] # iterate through the crumb types and pull together the args that lead up to this type # so that we can reconstruct the route to just this part of the breadcrumb trail crumb_args = {} iteridx = idx while iteridx >= 0: crumb_args[crumbtypes[iteridx][0]] = kwargs["url"][crumbtypes[iteridx][0]] iteridx = iteridx - 1 crumb["link"] = crumb_type[1] crumb["args"] = crumb_args # skip items in the trail that are only used to construct others if crumb_type[1] != None: breadcrumbs.append(crumb) # don't link the last item in the trail if len(breadcrumbs) > 0: breadcrumbs[-1]["link"] = None return breadcrumbs
[docs] def route(self, fn, **kwargs): """ Route helper : apply fn function but keep the calling object, *ie* kwargs, for other functions :param fn: Function to run the route with :type fn: function :param kwargs: Parsed url arguments :type kwargs: dict :return: HTTP Response with rendered template :rtype: flask.Response """ new_kwargs = fn(**kwargs) new_kwargs["url"] = kwargs return self.render(**new_kwargs)
[docs] def register_routes(self): """ Register routes on app using Blueprint :return: Nemo blueprint :rtype: flask.Blueprint """ if is not None: if not self.blueprint: self.blueprint = self.create_blueprint() return self.blueprint return None
[docs] def register_filters(self): """ Register filters for Jinja to use .. note:: Extends the dictionary filters of jinja_env using self._filters list """ for _filter in self._filters:[ _filter.replace("f_", "") ] = getattr(self.__class__, _filter)
[docs] def chunk(self, text, reffs): """ Handle a list of references depending on the text identifier using the chunker dictionary. :param text: Text object from which comes the references :type text: MyCapytains.resources.texts.api.Text :param reffs: Callback function to retrieve a list of string with a level parameter :type reffs: callback(level) :return: Transformed list of references :rtype: [str] """ if str(text.urn) in self.chunker: return self.chunker[str(text.urn)](text, reffs) return self.chunker["default"](text, reffs)
[docs] def getprevnext(self, passage, callback): """ Retrieve previous and next passage using :param text: Text object from which comes the references :type text: MyCapytains.resources.texts.api.Passage :param reffs: Callback function to retrieve a tuple where first element is the previous passage, and second the next :type reffs: callback() :return: Reference of previous passage, reference of next passage :rtype: (str, str) """ if str(passage.urn) in self.prevnext: return self.prevnext[str(passage.urn)](passage, callback) return self.prevnext["default"](passage, callback)
[docs] def in_and_not_in(identifier, collection, kwargs): """ Check if an element identified by identifier is in kwargs but not the collection containing it :param identifier: URL Identifier of one kind of element (Textgroup, work, etc.) :type identifier: str :param collection: Resource identifier of one kind of element (Textgroup, work, etc.) :type collection: str :param kwargs: Arguments passed to a template :type kwargs: {str: Any} :return: Indicator of presence of required informations :rtype: bool """ return identifier in kwargs["url"] and collection not in kwargs
@staticmethod def f_order_author(textgroups, lang="eng"): """ Order a list of textgroups :param textgroups: list of textgroups to be sorted :param lang: Language to display :return: Sorted list """ __textgroups__ = { tg.metadata["groupname"][lang] or str(tg.urn): tg for tg in textgroups } return [ __textgroups__[key] for key in sorted(list(__textgroups__.keys())) ] @staticmethod @staticmethod
[docs] def f_collection_i18n(string): """ Return a i18n human readable version of a CTS domain such as latinLit :param string: CTS Domain identifier :type string: str :return: Human i18n readable version of the CTS Domain :rtype: str """ if string in Nemo.COLLECTIONS: return Nemo.COLLECTIONS[string] return string
[docs] def f_formatting_passage_reference(string): """ Get the first part only of a two parts reference :param string: A urn reference part :type string: str :return: First part only of the two parts reference :rtype: str """ return string.split("-")[0]
@staticmethod def f_i18n_iso(isocode, lang="eng"): """ Replace isocode by its language equivalent :param isocode: Three character long language code :param lang: Lang in which to return the language name :return: Full Text Language Name """ if lang not in flask_nemo._data.AVAILABLE_TRANSLATIONS: lang = "eng" try: return flask_nemo._data.ISOCODES[isocode][lang] except KeyError: return "Unknown" @staticmethod def f_group_texts(versions_list): """ Takes a list of versions and regroup them by work identifier :param versions_list: List of text versions :type versions_list: [Text] :return: List of texts grouped by work :rtype: [(Work, [Text])] """ works = {} texts = defaultdict(list) for version in versions_list: if not in works: works[] = version.parents[0] texts[].append(version) return [ (works[index], texts[index]) for index in works ] @staticmethod
[docs] def f_order_text_edition_translation(versions_list): """ Takes a list of versions and put translations after editions :param versions_list: List of text versions :type versions_list: [Text] :return: List where first members will be editions :rtype: [Text] """ translations = [] editions = [] for version in versions_list: if version.subtype == "Translation": translations.append(version) else: editions.append(version) return editions + translations
@staticmethod def f_hierarchical_passages(reffs, version): """ A function to construct a hierarchical dictionary representing the different citation layers of a text :param reffs: passage references with human-readable equivalent :type reffs: [(str, str)] :param version: text from which the reference comes :type version: MyCapytain.resources.inventory.Text :return: nested dictionary representing where keys represent the names of the levels and the final values represent the passage reference :rtype: OrderedDict """ d = OrderedDict() levels = [x for x in version.citation] for cit, name in reffs: ref = cit.split('-')[0] levs = ['%{}|{}%'.format(levels[i].name, v) for i, v in enumerate(ref.split('.'))] _getFromDict(d, levs[:-1])[name] = cit return d @staticmethod def f_is_str(value): """ Check if object is a string :param value: object to check against :return: Return if value is a string """ return isinstance(value, str) @staticmethod
[docs] def f_i18n_citation_type(string, lang="eng"): """ Take a string of form %citation_type|passage% and format it for human :param string: String of formation %citation_type|passage% :param lang: Language to translate to :return: Human Readable string .. todo :: use i18n tools and provide real i18n """ s = " ".join(string.strip("%").split("|")) return s.capitalize()
[docs] def default_chunker(text, getreffs): """ This is the default chunker which will resolve the reference giving a callback (getreffs) and a text object with its metadata :param text: Text Object representing either an edition or a translation :type text: MyCapytains.resources.inventory.Text :param getreffs: callback function which retrieves a list of references :type getreffs: function :return: List of urn references with their human readable version :rtype: [(str, str)] """ level = len(text.citation) return [tuple([reff.split(":")[-1]]*2) for reff in getreffs(level=level)]
[docs] def scheme_chunker(text, getreffs): """ This is the scheme chunker which will resolve the reference giving a callback (getreffs) and a text object with its metadata :param text: Text Object representing either an edition or a translation :type text: MyCapytains.resources.inventory.Text :param getreffs: callback function which retrieves a list of references :type getreffs: function :return: List of urn references with their human readable version :rtype: [(str, str)] """ level = len(text.citation) types = [ for citation in text.citation] if types == ["book", "poem", "line"]: level = 2 elif types == ["book", "line"]: return Nemo.line_chunker(text, getreffs) return [tuple([reff.split(":")[-1]]*2) for reff in getreffs(level=level)]
[docs] def line_chunker(text, getreffs, lines=30): """ Groups line reference together :param text: Text object :type text: MyCapytains.resources.text.api :param getreffs: Callback function to retrieve text :type getreffs: function(level) :param lines: Number of lines to use by group :type lines: int :return: List of grouped urn references with their human readable version :rtype: [(str, str)] """ level = len(text.citation) source_reffs = [reff.split(":")[-1] for reff in getreffs(level=level)] reffs = [] i = 0 while i + lines - 1 < len(source_reffs): reffs.append(tuple([source_reffs[i]+"-"+source_reffs[i+lines-1], source_reffs[i]])) i += lines if i < len(source_reffs): reffs.append(tuple([source_reffs[i]+"-"+source_reffs[len(source_reffs)-1], source_reffs[i]])) return reffs
[docs] def level_chunker(text, getValidReff, level=1): """ Chunk a text at the passage level :param text: Text object :type text: MyCapytains.resources.text.api :param getreffs: Callback function to retrieve text :type getreffs: function(level) :return: List of urn references with their human readable version :rtype: [(str, str)] """ references = getValidReff(level=level) return [(ref.split(":")[-1], ref.split(":")[-1]) for ref in references]
@staticmethod def level_grouper(text, getValidReff, level=None, groupby=20): """ Alternative to level_chunker: groups levels together at the latest level :param text: Text object :param getValidReff: GetValidReff query callback :param level: Level of citation to retrieve :param groupby: Number of level to groupby :return: Automatically curated references """ if level is None or level > len(text.citation): level = len(text.citation) references = [ref.split(":")[-1] for ref in getValidReff(level=level)] _refs = OrderedDict() for key in references: k = ".".join(key.split(".")[:level-1]) if k not in _refs: _refs[k] = [] _refs[k].append(key) del k return [ ( _join_or_single(ref[0], ref[-1]), _join_or_single(ref[0], ref[-1]) ) for sublist in _refs.values() for ref in [ sublist[i:i+groupby] for i in range(0, len(sublist), groupby) ] ] @staticmethod
[docs] def default_prevnext(passage, callback): """ Default deliver of prevnext informations :param passage: Passage for which to get previous and following reference :type passage: MyCapytains.resources.texts.api.Passage :param callback: Function to retrieve those information :type callback: function :return: Tuple representing previous and following reference :rtype: (str, str) """ previous, following = passage.prev, if previous is None and following is None: previous, following = callback() if previous is not None: previous = str(previous.reference) if following is not None: following = str(following.reference) return previous, following
[docs] def prevnext_callback_generator(passage): """ Default callback generator to retrieve prev and next value of a passage :param passage: Passage for which to get previous and following reference :type passage: MyCapytains.resources.texts.api.Passage :return: Function to retrieve those information :rtype: function """ def callback(): return MyCapytain.resources.texts.api.Passage.prevnext( passage.parent.resource.getPrevNextUrn(urn=str(passage.urn)) ) return callback
[docs] def map_urns(items, query, part_of_urn=1, attr="textgroups"): """ Small function to map urns to filter out a list of items or on a parent item :param items: Inventory object :type items: MyCapytains.resources.inventory.Resource :param query: Part of urn to check against :type query: str :param part_of_urn: Identifier of the part of the urn :type part_of_urn: int :return: Items corresponding to the object children filtered by the query :rtype: list(items.children) """ if attr is not None: return [ item for item in getattr(items, attr).values() if Nemo.filter_urn(item, part_of_urn, query) ]
[docs] def filter_urn(item, part_of_urn, query): """ Small function to map urns to filter out a list of items or on a parent item :param item: Inventory object :param query: Part of urn to check against :type query: str :param part_of_urn: Identifier of the part of the urn :type part_of_urn: int :return: Items corresponding to the object children filtered by the query :rtype: list(items.children) """ return str(item.urn.__getattribute__([ "", "urn_namespace", "namespace", "textgroup", "work", "version", "reference" ][part_of_urn]).lower()) == query.lower().strip()
def _getFromDict(dataDict, keyList): """Retrieves and creates when necessary a dictionary in nested dictionaries :param dataDict: a dictionary :param keyList: list of keys :return: target dictionary """ return reduce(_create_hierarchy, keyList, dataDict) def _create_hierarchy(hierarchy, level): """Create an OrderedDict :param hierarchy: a dictionary :param level: single key :return: deeper dictionary """ if level not in hierarchy: hierarchy[level] = OrderedDict() return hierarchy[level] def _join_or_single(start, end): """ :param start: :param end: :return: """ if start == end: return start else: return "{}-{}".format( start, end ) def cmd(): import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Capitains Nemo CTS UI') parser.add_argument('endpoint', metavar='endpoint', type=str, help='CTS API Endpoint') parser.add_argument('--port', type=int, default=8000, help='Port to use for the HTTP Server') parser.add_argument('--host', type=str, default="", help='Host to use for the HTTP Server') parser.add_argument('--inventory', type=str, default=None, help='Inventory to request from the endpoint') parser.add_argument('--css', type=str, default=None, nargs='*', help='Full path to secondary css file') parser.add_argument('--groupby', type=int, default=25, help='Number of passage to group in the deepest level of the hierarchy') parser.add_argument('--debug', action="store_true", default=False, help="Set-up the application for debugging") args = parser.parse_args() if args.endpoint: app = Flask( __name__ ) # We set up Nemo nemo = Nemo( app=app, name="nemo", base_url="", css=args.css, inventory = args.inventory, api_url=args.endpoint, chunker={"default": lambda x, y: Nemo.level_grouper(x, y, groupby=args.groupby)} ) # We register its routes nemo.register_routes() # We register its filters nemo.register_filters() # We run the app app.debug = args.debug, if __name__ == "__main__": cmd()