Source code for flask_nemo.plugins.annotations_api

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from flask_nemo.plugin import PluginPrototype
from flask import jsonify, request, url_for, Response
import MyCapytain.common.reference

[docs]class AnnotationsApiPlugin(PluginPrototype): """AnnotationsApiPlugin adds routes to Nemo from which annotations can be retrieved This plugins contains two routes only registered at - /api/annotations/?target=<URN Target> which is the collection in which to search - /api/annotations/<SHA Identifier of the annotation> is the annotation object - /api/annotations/<SHA Identifier of the annotation>/body is the proxy for the annotation body The response are conform to :param queryinterface: QueryInterface to use to retrieve annotations :type queryinterface: QueryInterface """ JSONLD_CONTEXT = { "": "", "dc": "", "owl": "", "nemo": "" } ROUTES = [ ("/api/annotations", "r_annotations", ["GET"]), ("/api/annotations/<sha>", "r_annotation", ["GET"]), ("/api/annotations/<sha>/body", "r_annotation_body", ["GET"]) ] def __init__(self, queryinterface, *args, **kwargs): super(AnnotationsApiPlugin, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.__queryinterface__ = queryinterface # TODO we should have a response at the base of annotations/api that returns link types and link relations # showing the next level of options
[docs] def r_annotations(self): """ Route to retrieve annotations by target :param target_urn: The CTS URN for which to retrieve annotations :type target_urn: str :return: a JSON string containing count and list of resources :rtype: {str: Any} """ target = request.args.get("target", None) wildcard = request.args.get("wildcard", ".", type=str) include = request.args.get("include") exclude = request.args.get("exclude") limit = request.args.get("limit", None, type=int) start = request.args.get("start", 1, type=int) expand = request.args.get("expand", False, type=bool) if target: try: urn = MyCapytain.common.reference.URN(target) except ValueError: return "invalid urn", 400 count, annotations = self.__queryinterface__.getAnnotations(urn, wildcard=wildcard, include=include, exclude=exclude, limit=limit, start=start, expand=expand) else: # Note that this implementation is not done for too much annotations # because we do not implement pagination here count, annotations = self.__queryinterface__.getAnnotations(None, limit=limit, start=start, expand=expand) mapped = [] response = { "@context": type(self).JSONLD_CONTEXT, "id": url_for(".r_annotations", start=start, limit=limit), "type": "AnnotationCollection", "startIndex": start, "items": [ ], "total": count } for a in annotations: mapped.append({ "id": url_for(".r_annotation", sha=a.sha), "body": url_for(".r_annotation_body", sha=a.sha), "type": "Annotation", "target":, "dc:type": a.type_uri, "owl:sameAs": [a.uri], "nemo:slug": a.slug }) response["items"] = mapped response = jsonify(response) return response
[docs] def r_annotation(self, sha): """ Route to retrieve contents of an annotation resource :param uri: The uri of the annotation resource :type uri: str :return: annotation contents :rtype: {str: Any} """ annotation = self.__queryinterface__.getResource(sha) if not annotation: return "invalid resource uri", 404 response = { "@context": type(self).JSONLD_CONTEXT, "id": url_for(".r_annotation", sha=annotation.sha), "body": url_for(".r_annotation_body", sha=annotation.sha), "type": "Annotation", "target":, "owl:sameAs": [annotation.uri], "dc:type": annotation.type_uri, "nemo:slug": annotation.slug } return jsonify(response)
[docs] def r_annotation_body(self, sha): """ Route to retrieve contents of an annotation resource :param uri: The uri of the annotation resource :type uri: str :return: annotation contents :rtype: {str: Any} """ annotation = self.__queryinterface__.getResource(sha) if not annotation: return "invalid resource uri", 404 # TODO this should inspect the annotation content # set appropriate Content-Type headers # and return the actual content content = if isinstance(content, Response): return content headers = {"Content-Type": annotation.mimetype} return Response(content, headers=headers)